Happy Father's Day
Dads should enjoy great skin too! So that’s why I wanted to write a special post on the subject. As many of you know men’s skin is different to women’s. That means it requires a different approach to its care. That said some things are core principles for all genders, and they include: sun protection, hydration, no smoking, limited alcohol, fresh fruits and vegetables, exercise for good blood flow, lean protein intake etc.
So my suggestion for father’s day treats include a whole load of skin care disguised as skin pampering! I even suggest doing it as a pair so it becomes a treat for two. Yes, I’m being sneaky but as you know some men don’t feel it’s macho to be in a medical spa doing “girly things.” So it’s my job to correct the myth. First of all girly things are often fun and relaxing. Second which man doesn’t to look good for his partner? Third of all it’s a lot more practical to have procedures than dad might think. Since most dads are the logical type the last reason is the clincher. It’s not about pampering or preening but prevention. Prevention always saves money in the long run, early detection of issues is one bonus.
So let’s take a look at some options. I really like to carry out a facial of some kind as they’re pretty low tier, easy, give instant results and are relaxing. They help with many male skin issues like the extra oil that comes from having more testosterone. They help with acne and break outs as well as blocked pores, blackheads and follicles that men get. Facials clear these blockages and make it easier to shave. Now dad can’t complain about an easier time shaving can he? So there’s also the benefit of de-stressing, facials feel great and lower those stress levels to improve wellbeing.
My favorites are DermaFrac which combines cleaning with infusion and red light – that’s a lot of bang for the buck. Then there’s a selection of peels that exfoliate and tingle but are not painful. I’ll tailor those especially! To add to the wellbeing factor I combine the facial with an IV nutritional therapy session with a cocktail for anything from immune boosting, to improved stamina. This is where a little deception can come in, all our IV sessions have great results on the skin even if they are for improving health! So those are just two suggestions for dad but I have a sneaking suspicion that he’ll be a convert to self care, but of course if you do a couples session, he’ll be doing it just to keep you company. Sssh, we won’t tell if you don’t!
Come in and see us at Invigorate Advanced Aesthetics in Centennial, Colorado for IV nutritional therapy or facials.

"It's not about pampering or preening but prevention. Prevention always saves money in the long run, early detection of issues is one bonus."