Start loving your body
It’s National Nude Day and though it might conjure up images of naturists it’s actually got a serious side too. So I want to take the opportunity to examine the relationship with the body.
I meet people every day who don’t feel confident about their bodies. They often tell me what they don’t like and ask if I can help improve it. Of course I can help with the physical challenges, such as weight management, texture issue such as cellulite and stretch marks. Then there’s sagging and bulging in all the wrong places.
But the thing I can’t help with is the emotional and mental relationship my clients have with their bodies. I strive to help with this by correcting the body woes and know from there a new confident person emerges.
None of us are immune from feeling down about our looks. It might just be aging or changes in the body due to lifestyle choices, but the result is the same. Low self esteem and being unkind to yourself. The problem with this is that it inhibits a person’s ability to find solutions to the problem. Acknowledging there is an issue that needs correcting is the first step. Second is to see whether it’s a real issue or something you have got from a skewed perception. The third step is to take action but at no point is beating yourself up a constructive way to go.
So my advice is don’t panic, get a few opinions and be logical about what has to be done. Then find a practitioner you can trust. Progress towards your goals will make you feel better fast and eradicate that negative chatter. Before you know it you’ll feel great about baring all!
Come in and see us at Invigorate Advanced Aesthetics in Centennial, Colorado for Semaglutide and many other weight management solutions.

"I meet people every day who don't feel confident about their bodies. They often tell me what they don't like and ask if I can help improve it"